RLP Books

Showing 41–60 of 67 results

  • Progression

    A collection of 15 graduated rudimental snare drum solos Easy to Extremely Advanced Scott Johnson is one of the most respected rudimental educators of the day (11 DCI High Percussion Titles) and his knowledge and talents shine in this book. [...]
    • State Lists: Florida, Indiana, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin
  • Pun Intended Consequences

    8 Intermediate Marimba Duets (for one low-A marimba) Dan Moore may be a punny guy, but these duets are even more pun to play! (sorry about that.) Enjoy these 8 marimba duets for one low-A marimba. A great way to [...]
    • State Lists: Florida, New York, Wisconsin
  • Quad Logic (The Logic Series)

    Revised Edition Written for quad players, drum instructors, band directors, and anyone wishing to better understand the instrument. The issues covered are those which are unique to the art of tenor drumming including playing areas, quality of sound, crossovers, scrapes, [...]
    • State Lists: Indiana
  • Rhythmology for Snare Drum

    18 Pieces for Snare Drum (Grades 1-2.5) This book contains easy snare drum solos, duets, trios and a quartet. (As well as introducing limited multi-percussion.) A great stepping-stone from the RLP Toolbox Curriculum!
    • State Lists: Florida, Missouri, New York, Texas
  • Rhythmology II for Keyboards and Timpani

    A fantastic follow-up to the original Rhythmology! Check-out this collection of solos, duets, trios and a quartet for keyboards and timpani. More exciting stepping-stone literature from the RLP “Toolbox Curriculum” as well as wonderful performance material! (grades 1 to 3)
    • State Lists: Florida
  • Rhythms Of Music

    Get your ScoJo-ness on with this intense collection of 30 snare drum etudes from Scott Johnson. A wonderful addition to any serious snare drummer’s repertoire. Fantastic festival and audition material. (Performance notes included.)
    • State Lists: Florida, Texas
  • Rudimental Logic 3.0 (The Logic Series)

    Perfect for all levels, from beginner to extremely advanced! The all new Rudimental Logic 3.0 is a technical guide for everyone who plays with sticks! The topics include grip, stroke techniques, unique strategies for the 40 PAS rudiments as well [...]
  • Shazam! Book and DVD

    Just when you thought it was safe to roam the streets again… Here’s an exciting grab bag of 16 easy and intermediate solos for all of you super-heros out there! Sink your teeth into this diverse solo collection for snare [...]
    • State Lists: Florida, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin
  • Shazam! Book Only

    Just when you thought it was safe to roam the streets again… Here’s an exciting grab bag of 16 easy and intermediate solos for all of you super-heros out there! Sink your teeth into this diverse solo collection for snare [...]
    • State Lists: Florida, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin
  • Shazam! DVD Only

    Just when you thought it was safe to roam the streets again… Here’s an exciting grab bag of 16 easy and intermediate solos for all of you super-heros out there! Sink your teeth into this diverse solo collection for snare [...]
    • State Lists: Florida, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin
  • Snared

    A collection of 10 Concert Snare Drum Solos (Grades 2-4) Enjoy this collection of ten concert snare drum solos by Dan Moore. You’ll weave your way through various time signatures and tempos with these Grade 2-4 pieces. A great addition [...]
    • State Lists: Florida, Missouri, Ohio, Texas
  • Texas All-State Book Bundle

    The Texas Book Bundle… Masterworks for Mallets and Impressions on Wood. 10% discount!

    Instrumentation: Row-Loff is honored to have two of our publications selected to be used as the Texas All-State Audition material. The 2 & 4 mallet selections are from Masterworks for Mallets & Impressions on Wood. For a limited time offer, order both books to receive 10% off.

  • The Cajón Companion

    10 Easy to Intermediate Duets For the Cajón Imagine a collection of 10 easy to intermediate Cajón duets wrapped into one colossal book… imagine this collection costing only $12… well… imagine no more… “The Cajon Companion” has answered your Cajóny [...]
    • State Lists: Florida
  • The Drummer’s Daily Drill

    A “must” for every percussionists library, from junior high and up. A great primer for the freshman college student. This book contains exercises, original audition etudes, classic excerpts and independence “work outs” for snare drum, drum set, timpani, and tuned [...]
    • State Lists: Arkansas, Missouri, Texas
  • The Drummer’s Rudimental Reference Book

    Must have for the private instructor and band director. Dr. Wooton is the director of Percussion Studies, University of Southern Mississippi and former Percussion Caption Head for the Phantom Regiment Drum & Bugle Corps This book is packed full of [...]
  • The Mallet Player’s Toolbox

    This 88-page, 10 lesson method for mallets can be a stand-alone method or may be used in conjunction with the popular Snare Drummer’s Toolbox. Enjoy These Downloadable Additions! A student PDF addendum containing a keyboard chart, more in-depth major/minor & [...]
  • The Orchemental Snare Collection

    A collection of 8 concert snare drum solos and 4 duets Dive into this magnificent collection of 8 snare drum solos and 4 duets by Edward Freytag and Keith Dudek! This collection contains material utilizing both concert & rudimental styles. [...]
    • State Lists: Florida, Missouri, New York, Texas
  • The Rudimental Cookbook

    From the Author of “Just Desserts” The definitive snare drum solo-method book. Includes the 26 American Standard Rudiments, the Percussive Arts Society Rudiments, an extensive list of Drum Corps Hybrid Rudiments and 25 rudimental contest solos. A must for anyone [...]
    • State Lists: Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin
  • The Snare Drummer’s Toolbox

    The Absolute Method For Beginning Snare Drum! In the Book… Instructions on set-up & tuning your snare drum Ten lessons covering reading, stroke types, cut time, triple meter, rudiments, and more 20 solos and 11 duets, each focused on the [...]
  • Timp-Tastic

    A collection of 10 fun timpani solos (Grades 2-4) Workshop Series Badge Play-along accompaniment mp3’s are available for free download. (NOTE: This file will not download into a moblie device. Please use your computer.) Each solo includes the following mp3’s: [...]
    • State Lists: Florida, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Texas